Completed projects
Partial list of past projects with my major participation
2009 - 2019: Biophotonics: from spectral imaging to medical diagnostics - Sorbonne University, Paris, France
2007 - 2009: Femtosecond electron diffraction project - University of Toronto, Canada
2002 - 2007: Sub-picosecond resonance Raman & femtosecond transient absorption studies of heme proteins, and their interactions with diatomic gaseous ligands - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
2001 - 2002: Picosecond microscopic multiplex Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering of fluorescent porphyrins & proteins - University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
1997 - 2001: Picosecond Stimulated Raman Scattering in high-pressure hydrogen & methane gases - Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan & B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus
1995, 1997 - 1998: Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman study of metalloporphyrins & metalloporphyrin - DNA interaction - Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan
1994 - 2004: Resonance Raman studies of metalloporphyrins, and their interaction with nucleic acids - University Pierre & Marie Curie Paris 6, France & B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus
1990 - 2003: Saturation Raman spectroscopy of the excited electronic states of metalloporphyrins - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus
1985 - 1995: Spontaneous & coherent Raman spectroscopy of metalloporphyrins: excited electronic states & inter-molecular interactions with oxygen- and nitrogen-containing solvents - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus
1988 - 1993: Stimulated Raman Scattering in compressed gases (hydrogen, methane) - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus
1988 - 1990: CARS diagnostics of high-pressure discharge in nitrogen plasma - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics & A.V.Luikov Institute of Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, Belarus
1986 - 1989: Design & construction of powerful nanosecond tunable laser system based on Nd:YAG and dye laser technology, for spectroscopy & remote sensing applications - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, USSR
1985 - 1986: Design & construction of Nd:YAG generator with unstable resonator - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, USSR
1985 - 1990: Creation of computer-controlled systems of experiment control & data acquisition for (i) non-linear Raman setup, (ii) Stimulated Raman Scattering experiments, (iii) spontaneous Raman setup (Assembler, C, Pascal) - B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, USSR
1985: Coherent Anti-Stokes & Stokes Raman Scattering of copper tetraphenylporphyrin in solution - Belarusian State University & B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, USSR - 5th year Master Diploma work
1984: Design & construction of nanosecond coumarin dye laser for non-linear optical spectroscopy experiment - Belarusian State University & B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, USSR - 4th year diploma work