Brief history of my research in photos

At Institut Curie (Paris, 1994). 

My first work abroad. Ambience was unforgettable. 

At Professor Teizo Kitagawa lab, Institute for Molecular Science (Okazaki, 1998).

First photo - I am presenting picosecond Raman setup to Prof. V.A. Orlovich coming with a short visit from Minsk.Third photo - with Teizo Kitagawa and Pierre-Yves Turpin.

At Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, 2000).

In the laboratory with Sasha Grabtchikov.

At University of Twente (Enschede, 2002). 

My picosecond CARS setup.

At Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, 2004).   

My sub-picosecond Raman spectrometer Third photo - with Michel Négrerie.

At University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris-Evry).

With Professor Pierre-Yves Turpin (Evry, 2005). My micro-Raman setup at UPMC (Evry, 2007).

At Professor Dwayne Miller lab, University of Toronto (2007-2009).

Femtosecond electron diffraction setup. Third photo, our group, from left to right: Maher Harb, German Sciaini, Gustavo Moriena, Hubert Jean-Ruel, and me (January 2009).

At the laboratory AnBioPhy, University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris 6, 2011-2012).

Third photo - with Irène Tatischeff and Pierre-Yves Turpin.