SK Science
Welcome to my scientific webpage!
I am working as a research engineer at Jean Perrin Laboratory at Sorbonne University and as a visiting research scientist at MSC-Med at Université Paris Cité. Life of an experimentalist who had to build his setup before starting measurements within the limited period of time at various laboratories throughout the world taught me a great deal of engineering.
My research covers many areas:
from lasers and non-linear optics to medical diagnostics and imaging,
from vibrational spectroscopy of proteins and nucleic acids to ultrafast reactions and inter-molecular interactions,
from cellular membrane permeability and drug delivery to nano-bioparticles content, transport and quality control.
I am a specialist in all types of Raman spectroscopy and related methods. I am curious by nature, and if a problem seems interesting I do not hesitate to start working on it.
Here is some brief history of my research in photos, to be updated time to time.